„Das ist doch etwas Totes“ – Funktionsverbgefüge in der digitalen Sprachkritik
Eine korpusbasierte Untersuchung zur Valenz, Erweiterung, Position und Referenz von Funktionsverbgefügen und ihren Leistungen im Text
(Digital) language criticism, light verb constructions, Wikipedia, corpus linguistics, text linguistics, valencyAbstract
Light verb constructions have always been the subject of linguistic criticism, which is now also spreading to digital spaces. The thesis is that Light verb constructions and their corresponding base verbs are equivalent and can be replaced by their verbal equivalents in all contexts. This corpus-based and text-linguistic study can contradict this thesis, using the structure to ask a question (germ. 'Frage stellen') as an example. On the basis of extensive data material from the Wikipedia article corpora of the Leibniz Institute for the German Language I show the semantic, grammatical and text-linguistic differences between the base verb and the light verb construction in use, which manifest themselves in the enrichment, condensation, perspectivisation, weighting and resumption of information in the text.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Susanne Kabatnik
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